Publié le 26 Octobre 2018
C'était un temps que les moins de 20 ans ne connaissent pas non plus !
PARIS, Nov. 6—Members of the National Assembly expressed anger today over the disclosure that Paul Stehlin, a former air force chief of staff who is an Assembly vice president, had opposed the acquisition of French‐built Mirage fighters by other members of the Atlantic alliance.
He maintains that the Mirages are technologically inferior to two competing American craft also being considered for the re‐equipment of the forces of four members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway.
The proposed deal is Initially for 350 planes but could involve more than 2,500, worth billions of dollars.
A front‐page article in Le Figaro, a conservative paper, said General Stehlin had been circulating a 30‐page memorandum in which he argues that the Breguet Dassault Mirage F‐1M53 is inferior to the two American craft, General Dynamics’ YF‐16 and Northrop's YF‐17. He said the American planes had undergone impressive flight tests, which the new Mirage has not.