Brésil - Défense : Celso Amorim prône une dissuasion régionale pour défendre les ressources naturelles .

Publié le 25 Mars 2012

Cela en devient lassant de le répeter mais pourtant les chefs politiques et militaires Sud-Américains ne cessent d'insister sur ce point .[ lien vers article ]

 Intervenant à l'amphitéatre de l' Escuela Militar de Chile devant plus de 600 participants , en majorité des militaires Chiliens , le MD Brésilien Celso Amorim a une fois de plus souligné la necessité de renforcer la coopération militaire régionale pour faire face à une éventuelle action prédatrice [ extra-continentale ] contre les ressources naturelles du continent .[ lien ]



" L'histoire nous enseigne que la possibilité que les actifs de notre région deviennent l'objet d'une compétition et de l'avidité internationale ne peut pas être rejettée , pour pacifiques que soient nos orientations politiques et pour tant que nous soyons ouverts au dialogue et à la négociation comme méthodes de résolution des conflits " . " Etre pacifique ne signifie pas être désarmé ! "






Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Géopolitique des ressources

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<br /> Correction: Jose Serra was the presidential candidate in the 2010 presidential election - not 2012 (there is no presidential election in Brazil in 2012. Next presidential election will be<br /> in 2014).<br />
<br /> Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil 1995-2002 declared on March 23. 2012 at the Word Conference for Sustainable Development in Manaus: "Since we need energy to maintain a<br /> certain level of development, there is no other way (jeito) - and there comes Belo Monte !" (Belo Monte Hydro-Electric Dam).  The opposition's presidential candidate in the 2012 presidential<br /> election, Jose Serra, had also declared this support for the Belo Monte Dam: Of the 27 political parties in Brazil, 26 seem to support Belo Monte. Only the Partido Verde (Green Party) voiced some<br /> opposition.  Its presidential candidate Marina da Silva finally only insisted in "compliance with the social enhancement provisions". Thus there is no POLITICAL opposition in Brazil, neither<br /> from the right not the left. The opposition comes primarily from NGOs operated by the U.S., Britain, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Germany and the Vatican, as well as opportunists - such as the GLOBO<br /> actors who all want to be noticed by talent agents in Hollywood.<br />
<br /> The "dissuasive capacity" is a constant admonition of Brazil's contemporary Itamaraty and Brazil's national security community. The previous Minister of Defense, Nelson Jobim (a<br /> conservsative), had  that already adamantly explained to everybody concerned: NATO and UNASUR members. Jobim rang the alarm bells after the NATO conference in Lisbon, Sept. 2010 during which<br /> NATO revealed its future interests in "expanded responsiblities" (the new term for "intervention to assure our control"!). The primary agency to push the NATO agenda in South America - is<br /> Germany's "Konrad Adenauer Stiftung" operated by the CDU party. The U.S. , Britain, use Germany as the current primary agent to penetrate Latin America, because Germany is less conspicious and<br /> arouses less attention.  In Nov. 2010, a former NATO strategist, the german General Klaus Naumann spoke at the "Fundacao Konrad Adenauer" in Brazil and explained: "The U.S. needs Europe as<br /> partners for its role in the world!" Jobim replied: "We are not partners of the U.S. for its role in the world. Only South Americans are responsible for the defense of our subcontinent, and we<br /> need a dissuasive capacity against threats from outside our region!" Nelson again spoke at the LADD exibition in April 2011 to other south-american military leaders: "Our region will be threated<br /> over our resources during the next 50 years: We need a dissuasive capacity against threats from outside our region!".  (A wikileak revealed, that argentine diplomats worried in conversations<br /> with U.S. diplomats, in 2008, that Brazil might be considering cancelling its adherence to the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty.)  Brazil is now refining nuclear material to 20% -<br /> only enough to fuel the nuclear-powered submarines to be constructed in Brazil with the technical assistance of France.<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jans ,<br /> <br /> <br /> I have noticed that more and more Latino-Americans are preoccupated with this issue in a way people in Europe ignore . A few years ago , let's say 2006 , only left-wing and less educated people (<br /> but left-wing educated people also ) were " afraid " of an intervention for the control of the natural ressources of South-America . Now , people from all the political spectrum and<br /> education levels  are more and more thinking about this . I think that the phenomenon accelerated after the agression against Libya . I have noticed that Celso Amorim has " put Jobim's<br /> boots on  " on this issue and its a good thing : It means it's a state policy and not a governemental policy . Some European " analysts " said that Jobim's declaration was linked to the<br /> Presidential campaign in Brazil , in order to convince the left wing electorate to sustain Dilma , but i was among those who didn't think so .<br /> <br /> <br /> Abraços<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />