Kulturkampf : Le défilé complet de Beija-Flor .

Publié le 20 Février 2015


Rien que pour faire ch... Nicolas BOURCIER du Le Monde et Marla DICKERSON de The Wall Street Journal .

Le théme du défilé était l'exaltation de la négritude et des origines Guinéennes de certaines communautés Afro-Brésiliennes . Il est bien sûr question de géopolitique puisque le traité de Tordésillas est évoqué au travers d'un couplet :

Destino trocado, tratado se faz


Le commentaire est particulièrement intéressant puisque le vocabulaire est analysé dans ses moindres détails comme l'expression  " singrou o mar " . Je ne parle pas des explications historiques ...



PS : Jan , i am experiencing  some difficulties in responding to you . I will try again tomorrow . Abraços !

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Kulturkampf

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<br /> The link between Brazil and Equatorial Guinea is geostrategic: Spanish-speaking Equatorial Guinea is linking to the lusophone nations in Africa which maintain a defense alliance with Brazil.<br /> Equatorial Guinea is surrounded by francophone nations which are de facto dominated by France and its security system. Brazil is not going to intervene in Equatorial Guinea, but France might find<br /> a pretext (human rights, ethnic separatism) via Gabon or Cameroon. There is one other spanish-speaking (and arabic) nation in Africa which has been invaded by France's "protectorate" Morocco:<br /> Saharaui Republic/Western Sahara. Brazil tries to mainain with ZOPACA a defensive agreements between the nations on both sides of the Southern Atlantic, to prevent the expansion of NATO into the<br /> South Atlantic: Plan "Break the Atlantic-divide" 2010. (Eu tambem tenho problemas de comunicar com Voce via p. Que sera ?)  Guinea Equatorial TV and Saharaui Republic/Western Sahara TV ,<br /> both  can be seen via "squid tv" in the internet.<br />
Bom Dia Jan , <br /> The web provider was changing the configuration of the blog . Now it seems it works better . Thank you for your comments .<br /> I totalluy agree with you <br /> Abraços <br /> Daniel BESSON