Une nouvelle guerre coloniale dans l'Oubangui-Chari .

Publié le 5 Décembre 2013

Les masques tombent ! Au delà des projets de "partenariat" avec le Brésil , la Chine,... ce sont bien des guerres neo-coloniales pour la " reconquête des parts de marché prises par les émergents " [ c'est l'expression employée lors du dernier sommet Franco-Africain ! ][1] [2]  que la France mène en Afrique .
Les géopolitologues Brésiliens qui ont dés le début analysé les opérations en CDI et en Libye  puis au Tchad au travers de ce prisme ont eu raison de même que la présidente Dilma Rousseff qui dénonçait les " tentations coloniales " [ de la France ] . C'est à croire que des personnes comme le sioniste Moscovici prennent les diplomates Brésiliens et maintenant Chinois pour des abrutis en leur parlant de " partenariat " en Afrique . Non , c'est une guerre pour la lutte des ressources en Afrique et les BRICS n'ont pas le passé neo-colonial merdeux de la France et de l'Angleterre  !
Derrière se profile aussi l'accès au Tchad et au Soudan pour la " transversale " [ République Centrafricaine ! ] qui doit évacuer les richesses de ces régions [ or , pétrole , uranium , bois et ... diamants ] par des territoires controlés par les armées Françaises .
Se profile aussi la lutte entre les mondes Musulmans et Chrétiens . Il suffit de lire pour s'en convaincre le petit " cadeau Bonux™ " donné par les cirages Lion Noir™ dans les années 1920 si l'on trouve un ouvrage de géopolitique par trop compliqué : C'est une Tchéco-Slovaquie Africaine , une de plus , façonnée par le colonialisme Français dans laquelle l'armée coloniale Française va choisir son Roi Nègre* !
Il faut oser employer les mots pour le dire : L'intervention des forces armées Françaises dans l'espace de l'Oubangui-Chari , qui une fois de plus y perdent leur honneur , n'est qu'une opération de brigandage néo-colonial pour l'accaparement des ressources , la maîtrise des corridors d'évacuation des ressources et ceci dans le cadre d'un conflit ethno-confessionnel ! [ 1 ] http://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/2013/12/04/20002-20131204ARTFIG00539-la-france-veut-doubler-ses-echanges-avec-l-afrique.php
* Je condamne ce terme employé en France à l'époque ( voir document supra ) ! 

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Interventions coloniales en Afrique

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<br /> Hollande will visit Brazil for business. "Defesanet" 8.Dec. has a article ("A mira afiada de Hollande") orginally published in "Carta Capital" - which substantially contraticts my<br /> opinion expressed in the preceding commentary about a cooling of relations between Brazil's government and the Hollande administration.  The article mentions convincingly many details of the<br /> Hollande administration's current efforts to keep good relations with Latin America.  One reason for Brazil's continued  and even increased interest  in relations with<br /> France - is the cooling of relations with the Obama administration due to the NASA affair - during which the personal phone of President Rousseff had been monitored.  Thus my opinion in the<br /> previous commentary was too much influenced about the differences between the foreign policies of Brazil and France in the Near East and Africa - where they are definitely not<br /> "cooperating"...<br />
<br /> 2013 is somewhat different from ages gone-by, especially in view of France' recent aggressive interventions in Lybia, Syria, Ivory Coast, and clandestine support for<br /> destablization of Russia (Brazil's BRICS partner!) And the now every increasing influence of Israeli-influence in the contemporary government of France. More then ten million Brazilians<br /> (many in important positions and professions, including the Vice-President as well as Brazil's government leading Near East Expert, who now is in Harvard) are descendants of Christian Arabs<br /> from Palestine, Lebanon, especially Syria, and who see the Assad goverment in Syria as pro-Christian. Hollande personally appeared with the Cazique Raoni during the later's<br /> last propaganda tour in France against the government of Brazil. France is still cooperating with construction of Brazil's submarine fleet. But the current government in Brazil is<br /> less enthusiastic towards France, then previously Lula in the age of Sarkozy. The geopolitical strategists in Brazil - today, observe the contemporary France of 2013 with distrust:<br /> The existing scientific and other cooperation partnerships will continue - but without weight in cold-nosed future analysis of France's role in Africa. --- It does not get publicity in<br /> Europe - but Brazil is donating each year thousands of tons of food to Africa, Haiti and Central America.  --Obviously, French Guyana will not remain forever "France in South America".<br /> Guyana and Surinam  are now in the structure of UNASUR.  But the case of French Guyana will not become a real issue in OUR time...<br />
<br /> Hi Jan, if I follow you, France should keep it's hands off Africa because Brazil has strategic, cultural and historical interests in that continent. Argument is a bit flawed... France has also<br /> strategic interests in Africa. We also have stong historical links with Africa, though I admit, the mediterranian africa.<br />
<br /> <br /> Bonjour ,<br /> <br /> <br /> A titre de " devouardemémouâre " http://www.revuepolitique.fr/blog/la-cooperation-franco-bresilienne-en-afrique/<br /> <br /> <br /> Tres Cordialement<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> It has been stated by Brazilians, that they consider Antlantic-coast Africa and Southern-region of Africa, Central America and the Caribbean as within the parameter of Brazil's<br /> "strategic interest" - and that Brazil has no strategic interests outside of those adjacent regions. The relationship between Brazil and Africa began 1500 when Portuguese arrived in Brazil: But<br /> the Portuguese had appeared in Atlanic-coast Africa a generation earlier. The majority of all Brazilians (including "whites), have some African ancestry. (Three "white" Presidents since<br /> 1900,including Lula's predecessor F.H.Cardozo had some African ancestry.) In the 17th century, troops from Brazil were sent across the South Atlantic to drive the Dutch out of some areas in<br /> Angola. In 1975, President General Geisel - of the Right-wing, U.S. supported Military Dictatorship in Brazil - recognized in Angola the then marxist MPLA which was supported by the<br /> Soviet-block - against the UNITA which was supported by NATO. Today - Brazil maintains a defense cooperation with the Portuguese-language nations in Africa (also East Timor in Asia-Pacific).<br />  There is also some defense cooperation with Namibia - strategically rights across the Atlantic. Brazilian economic interests appear massively active in Angola, and to some degree in<br /> Mozambique. Brazilian agricultural ventures or cooperation also exists in some other African nations in the region. ZOPACA is an association of Brazil and most Atlantic-coast African nations for<br /> the maintenance of peace and security on both shores of the South Atlantic: Pertinent military experts meet a couple of times each year  to discuss the security issue. (Exortation from<br /> Brazil: To maintain security in order to preclude a situation which would serve as pretext for "outsiders" to intervene!)<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Always very relevant commentaries . Dilma has declared 7  national days of mourning http://pesquisa.in.gov.br/imprensa/jsp/visualiza/index.jsp?jornal=1000&pagina=5&data=06%2F12%2F2013<br /> <br /> <br /> Abraços<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />