Publié le 9 Mai 2013

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Defense

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<br /> hi Jan, a fact that I feel is not enough discussed in the former soviet union is that the UK was from the first day till the last batteling the nazis. On the other side the role of the soviet<br /> union is minimized over here. Stalingrad and Leningrad battles are probably the most people remember of the eastern front. Which is quite unfair in fact. I would say that the fact victory day is<br /> celebrated on the eigth of May in the west and not othe ninth dosn t help either. Thank you red army and thank you soviet people !<br />
<br /> World War II history - published by "The West", especially the U.S. - conveys a deliberately distorted impression about whose forces "defeated" the Nazis. In Europe - the U.S. only engaged<br /> 10% of the Nazi forces (and only after 1943). Another 15% of Nazi forces were confronted by British, Canadian, exile-Polish, French (exile and French Maghreb forces), also 22,000 Brazilians. The<br /> Soviets were confronted by 70% of Nazi Germany's forces, and other millions of troops from Finland, Italy, Romania, Hungary. (As well as Nazi sympathizers from Scandinavia, France, Netherland,<br /> Baltic states). In Asia - the U.S. was primarily engaged on the Pacific Ocean and on islands. But on Asia's mainland, the Japanaese were confronted by 5 Million Chinese, 2+ Million from British<br /> India, and combined millions of Vietnamese, Filipinos, Australians, New Zealanders, and other groups in Southeast Asia. The Soviets had deployed 600,000 troops facing the Japanese, forcing Japan<br /> to deploy many of its troops to face the Soviets. The Soviets remained inactive deployed until the final month's of the war - because logistic problems in the Soviet Far East posed contraints.<br /> Also most  troops from Siberia and the asiatic USSR - had been deployed in Europe against Nazi Germany. (Mexico's Air Force deployed a figther squadron in the Phillipines against the<br /> Japanese)<br />