Projet de loi Arctique : Il suffisait de lire " ICE STATION ZEBRA " .....................
Publié le 20 Septembre 2008
Au lieu de se référer au " yellow journalism " Anglo-Saxon !
Je suis heureux de constater que le " Departement d'Etat " partage mon analyse sur lecaractère " purement intérieur " du projet de loi Arctique Russe ...............................
" Our understanding from Russian President Medvedev’s public remarks is that he called for a law delineating the definition of Russia’s southern Arctic boundary, i.e. its boundary within the Russian land mass. This would be a purely internal matter.

Je suis heureux de constater que le " Departement d'Etat " partage mon analyse sur lecaractère " purement intérieur " du projet de loi Arctique Russe ...............................
" Our understanding from Russian President Medvedev’s public remarks is that he called for a law delineating the definition of Russia’s southern Arctic boundary, i.e. its boundary within the Russian land mass. This would be a purely internal matter.