6 mai 2012 - 6 mai 2013 : Les Décombres !

Publié le 6 Mai 2013

Un texte très controversé  malheureusement d'actualité . Je parle de la France bien sûr , pas de la Russie ...
On entend depuis deux ans chez nous un certain nombre de citoyens qui
parlent et proposent comme s'ils devaient, en tenant le pouvoir, être beaucoup
plus utiles à la France que ceux qui l'ont accaparé. Rien n'est en effet plus
vraisemblable. Si ces hommes en sont vraiment convaincus, qu'ils se hissent au
pouvoir. Dans l'extrême danger où l'on a mis la France, leur patriotisme doit
leur en dicter les moyens. Car ils ne peuvent ignorer que, derrière eux, il n'y a
plus rien, que l'anarchie ou la servitude et qu'il est tard. S'ils reculent,
tergiversent, ces hommes ne sont pas des patriotes et ne valent pas plus cher
que les autres. Ce sont encore des Français de nom. Ce sont de moins en moins
des Français de coeur et de volonté.
Nous ne recevrons certainement pas en cadeau du Jour de l'An, avec la
manière de s'en servir, le nouveau régime que nous souhaitons pour la France.
Ou bien, ce sera l'étranger qui nous l'apportera. Je suppose que l'on perçoit la
Nous ne sommes pourtant plus que devant des décombres. Il s'agirait de
savoir qui se décidera à prendre la pelle, à conduire les charrettes et les
tombereaux, à remettre d'autres pierres les unes sur les autres. Il me semble que
l'on pourrait, sans être fou, espérer que la France, au milieu des épopées et des
révolutions gigantesques de ses voisines, demeure capable de cet ouvrage assez
modeste, que pour lui il existe encore des Français. Il n'en faudrait point tant
pour les premiers chantiers.
J'aspire à être un de ces hommes. Seul, que puis-je ? Je ne fais figure que
d'énergumène. Cependant, je me sens Français de la tête
aux pieds. Ce serait une étrange aventure que je fusse le dernier de mon espèce !

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Opinions

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<br /> Both Russia as well as China maintain cordial relations both with the Palestinians and the Israelis! Notice Netanyahu is right at this moment in China - see in today's CHINA DAILY -  the<br /> lead notice about relations China-Israel. ---A possible "peace conference" of Russia and the U.S. is still a possibllity to work on Syria conflict. - 1. Obama administration is getting real<br /> heat from U.S. Congress to intervene on the side of the anti-Assad-opposition. 2. Putin's Russia would show that it is still a geopolitical pole with whom the U.S. and NATO-EU have to negotiate<br /> in order to solve some problems. <br />
<br /> En addition au commentaire de Jan, mes amis russes me disent que dans les rues d'Israël, on entend du russe partout. Mon opinion personnelle est que ce pays tombera tôt ou tard dans l`escarcelle<br /> de Moscou. <br />
<br /> The reader in his commentary had posed the question: "Why is there no REAL reaction from Russia against Israel's bombing raid in Syria ?" (Sorry - my knowledge of the French language is too<br /> limited. In my next life - I will study French seriously!) The relationship between today's Russia and today's Israel is actually good: Both consider muslims as a problem - even the Shias in Iran<br /> ( Russia would like to "influence" them into a more compliant "partnership"). Thus Russia and Israel have the islamic probem both on their borders and in their territorial space. Millions of<br /> today's "Israelis" are immigrants or descendants of recent immigration from Russia - many partially ethnic Russian: For them is the capitalist Russia of today both a business opportunity as well<br /> as 'the old home country'. Putin has prominently supported Jewish cultural and religious institutions in Russia. And Israelis calculate by being as normal towards Russia as possible - they can<br /> twist more $$$  out the right-wing in the USA which would rather that Israel would join there permanent campaign to crush and dismember Russia. That is how it seems here observed from the<br /> Americas.<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Don't bother : Your understanding of French language is perfect . Thank you for responding , i ddn't notice the commentary when i responded to Christian yesterday as i was in a hurry . I totally<br /> agree with ypur shrap analysis . Best regards<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> In response to the question asked by the preceding reader's commentary: Obviously- as seen be myself as a private observer in the Americas: It seems the U.S. (White House, CIA, Pentagon) have<br /> decided to let the conflict in Syria "burns itself out" - to a stage in which both the U.S. and Russia can save their faces and nudge all parties involved in the conflict into a temporary, or<br /> transitory "stay in place". The Israelis also may be wary about islamist extremist terrorists gaining influence among the "Opposition".  A definite solution could then be drawn out until the<br /> "international community" has already shifted to fresher catastrophies. France appears heading into economic and financial worries - and people will be less interested in the issues pushed by<br /> Henri-Bernard Levy & Co.  The U.S. public is overwhelmingly opposed to yet more adventures involving areas populated by muslims. In Latin America (population 500+ million) the opinion is<br /> predominantly in favor of non-intervention in Syria (tens of millions of Latin Americas descend to some degree from Christians that immigrated from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine - mostly between<br /> 1880 and 1920, but also in recent decades. Many are influential in media, politics, goverment - like the Vice President of Brazil). The Russians may have analysed that lack of popular support for<br /> intervention in the U.S. - and wait - for this stage outlined above - where a transitory halt - may be agreed on - perhaps even just tacitly. Especially after the U.S. has been softened up<br /> due to the Boston Marathon massacre - conducted by islamists terrorists from Russia, which had previously seen as a problem only for Russia and even an asset for the U.S&Brit.<br /> permanent objective to dismember Russia. Thus that appears from here in the Americas for this moment the one probable situation, unless a dramatic event jolts popular opinion into the<br /> intervention advocated by the McCain "Warrior" faction in Washington...<br />
<br /> Bonjour et merci d'avoir partagé cet article.<br /> <br /> <br /> Je suis quand même étonné de la faiblesse de la réaction Russe aux bombardements Israéliens sur le sol Syrien? quelle est votre analyse à ce sujet? qu'en pensent vos correspondants russes?<br /> <br /> <br /> Merci de votre retour<br />
<br /> <br /> Bonjour ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Excusez moi de ne pas avoir répondu hier . Mon ami Jan développe une analyse trés pertinente à laquelle j'adhère . Tres Cordialement Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />