Redneck- pride , Beauf-pride : Boca sem dente - La bouche sans-dents !

Publié le 4 Septembre 2014



Si dans ce samba l'amant de la jeune femme sans dents l'envoie chez le dentiste et équipe son domicile avec de l'électro-ménager , dans la France de Hollande , surtout celle des " sans-dents " , on n'a plus d'argent pour faire tout cela !




  L'expression " sans-dents " a une consonance douloureuse pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas aller chez le dentiste , pour les parents qui voient leurs enfants pleurer à cause des dents cariées non-soignées . Aux Etats-Unis elle est caractéristique d'un racisme de type de celui de la " côte ouest " ou des populations du Nord-Est Etasunien vis à vis des habitants des Appalaches ou du " Dixie " , les  Rednecks  .

En 2012 l'" humoriste " [ ? ] Bill Maher dans un talk-show de HBO - Le Grand Journal du Canal + Etasunien - a ainsi qualifié les primaires Républicaines  dans les états de l'Alabama , du Missouri et du Mississippi de" Toothless Tuesday " par analogie avec le Super Tuesday.

 En France il peut très bien s'apparenter au racisme anti-blanc des bobos . Si les dents des pauvres tombent , il convient de faire tomber les têtes de cette caste ! 

    Aux Etats-Unis la culture Redneck a développé une " Redneck-pride " où l'édentation est devenue , par auto-dérision , une marque identitaire ! Nous devons développer par analogie une " beauf-pride " ou une " Desouche-pride " pour répondre au mépris de nos chefs politiques ! Au sens kulturel stricto-senso c'est un peu - beaucoup - " brut de décoffrage " mais face à ce mépris de nos chefs politiques cela restera notre fierté . L'un des éléments de cette culture protestataire pourrait être le port de faux dentiers avec des dents cariées . Pour ceux qui ne sont pas obligés de porter de vrais dentiers ...

Pour les jeunes filles et les femmes le sujet de moquerie qui est devenu parfois le marqueur identitaire est l'obésité . Celle-ci est désormais affichée sans complexes . De même ce que j'appellerais le look " cow-slut " [ Voir dernière photo ] !


fatcityredneckgal_thumb_300x511.jpgwhitetrashBilly Bob Redneck Dentures - Costume Accessory

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Kulturkampf

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<br /> (Continuation of the commentary below). COLIN WOODARD in his book AMERICAN NATIONS also reveals the origin of the unorthodox/unconventional character of New York City's and<br /> its influence: Niuw Amsterdam was settled and occupied by DUTCH (Dutch Republic era) who as today - see Amsterdam's character today - were not constrained by baroque era European<br /> conventions. The Dutch arrived at the beginning of the 17th century and ruled the area until the middle of the 17th century, when they bartered the New York area to the English in exchange for<br /> islands in the Caribbean. Dutch families in the New York (state) area continued to  speak the Dutch language until the beginning of the 19th century. The "Rossevelt" clan (Franklyn and his<br /> cousin Theodore) descended from those Dutch settlers.<br />
<br /> COLIN WOODARD's book "AMERICAN NATIONS" ist the most informative analysis that reveals the ethnic-cultural and economic influences which have formed the social and political<br /> behaviour in the various regions  of North America. Woodard divides North America (USA and Canada) into specific  regions: The Atlantic and Gulf South was influenced by the<br /> plantation economy which had been introduced to South Carolina by the sons of Anglo-Saxon sugar plantation owners in Barbados. The mid-Atlantic coast had been influenced by the wealthy<br /> Anglo-Norman planation owners who had immigrated directly from England (like the Washington family). The center-mountain area "Appalachia" had been settled by rural<br /> poor  Scotch-Irish (Celtic) from Northern Ireland - the archtype of the "Red Neck" and "Hillbilly" who also influences the mountain regions of the South - and still constitute the poor<br /> rural whites of the South. The typical  wearer of "Confederate" flag emblems. This type combined type of "Southern" and "Appalachian" constituted the Anglo settler movement into<br /> Mexico's Texas (1821-1836). The Mountain States were developed by big money mining and railroad interests from New York. New England region was settled by religous dissidents from England.<br /> Pennsyvania had early immigration of religious dissidents from Germany, who contributed to political moderation, also in Ontario Eastern, Canada-Quebec evolved influenced by<br /> "New France" . The South-West (Arizona-New Mexico-West Texas had been cultutrally influenced by the hispanic mestizo-culture which had been implanted by the Mexian mestizos who settled<br />  the region:(Very few Spaniards settled in the area - the Southwest had been settled by hispanic mestizos from "New Spain" (Mexico).<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> One more time thank you for your digests of such interresting books and your personnal commentaries . In France we have also " nations " and an american geographer has even talked of the "<br /> Jacobinist colonial colonization " of the " French Hinterland " . The wordings of François Hollande on the " toothless " when he speaks of the poor people is linked to a " Parisian supremacism "<br /> against the French " white trash " of the French provinces by the poitical left .<br /> <br /> <br /> Abraços<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />