Des " antifas "©™ Brésiliens surpris en " AG " avant une manifestation contre la Coupe du Monde !

Publié le 7 Juin 2014

Antifas Brésiliens       

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #psyops - guerre secrête

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<br /> "Nothing is ever that what it seems to be! (Machiavelli "The Prince" 1513 ). The "Euro-Left" - is denominated as "supposed left" and "false left" by Ecuador's President Rafael Correa, and the<br /> "utra-left" (of France & Germany) by Bolivia's Vice-President A. Linera-Garcia: Two university educated national leaders - "who know the world" (Correa has a Ph.D in Economics from U. of<br /> Illiois). The "Right" of Europea is now split between the "partners of the USA" and the "nationalists" - as we have now seen in the elections for the EU parliament. The "Right partners" of the<br /> USA - example the Cameron-gang in England, and some in Scandinavia - are "partners" for NATO control over the "South" (South Atlantic-South America-Africa. But the "nationalist right" in Europe<br /> is an interesting development for Latin America - because it may lead to less  European neo-colonial geopolitics "overseas" and a lessen of EU-NATO cohesion.  Believe it or not:<br /> Germany's "supposed" (false) Left - including its "anti-Fa" groups are the LEADING agents against the elected left& center-governments in Latin America. Because the German "Left" and probably<br /> the French Left are substantially linked to U.S. and Brit. NGOs - which provide future "career opportunities" $$$ : Example Joschka Fischer was part of the violent extreme-left in Germany in the<br /> 1970', then turned "green politician" in the 1980's, a "partner" of the USA as German Foreing Ministers in the War against Yugoslavia, then guest professor at Harvard, now "associate" of<br /> Madeleine Albright's "International Investment Consultants".<br />