La France ne dispose pas d'assez de Bloch MB-220 pour les opérations en Afrique Equatoriale Française .

Publié le 9 Décembre 2013


Air Bleu ayant refusé de mettre à la disposition du Ministère de la guerre ses Bloch MB-220 , Dewoitine D338 et Wibault 283 T assurant la ligne Toulouse, Agadir, Cap Juby, Villa-Cisneros, Port-Étienne, St-Louis. pour transporter nos troupes de Marine vers l'Oubangui-Chari où elles doivent mater une révolte indigène et mettre sur le trône un nouveau roi , le ministre de la Guerre Le Drian a fait appel au secrétaire d'Etat à la guerre Chuck Hagel  pour que l' US Airlift Command nous prête ses Ford Trimotor  ! Le Reichswehrminister Thomas de Maizière a de son côté assuré depuis l'aéroport de Berlin Tempelhof que la Lufthansa fournirait des Junkers Ju-52 pour transporter nos troupes . [1] Le soutien Allemand ne sera pas le seul en Europe : Le War Office a aussi promis l'envoi de Handley Page HP 42 actuellement au service au sein de la compagnie Imperial Airways sur les lignes Londres - Le Caire et Londres -Bombay .[1]  


Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Interventions coloniales en Afrique

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<br /> ....but now seriously: U.S. AFRICOM - the command center of the U.S. Defense Department for Africa - yes - believe it or not - is in: STUTTGART-GERMANY !  Why ? In 2012, the U.S. NATO<br /> commander in Europe appeared at the U.S. Senate Defense Committee and when several U.S. senators asked him why U.S. AFRICOM remains in Stuttgart Germany, he replied: "Because we have already<br /> everything there in Germany !". The senators from South Carolina and Georgia, wanted U.S. AFRICOM moved to the United States- either Charleston/South Carolina or Atlanta/Georgia. At the same time<br /> another right wing senator, Hutchinson of , wanted a division of U.S. troops stationed in Germany to be moved to a U.S. Army base in her state Texas. --- But 56,000 U.S. troops remain in Germany<br /> - indefinitely, and 12,000 British troops till 2035. There are also over one hundred U.S. atomic bombs stored in Germany and currently being modernized for targeted "bunder busting" - such as a<br /> potential attack on Iran - or some day - Russia...<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> This is very serious ;0) French scholar on African issues Antoine Glaser has just said on the information network LCI : " This military intervention looks like we were in the 50's or in the 60's<br /> " Well ! I put my alternate history in the 20-30's .<br /> <br /> <br /> French rabid  neo-colonialist general Vincent Desportes , the general version of colonel Michel Goya who is a " false flag " operation of the French general staff , has just said : " This<br /> war is to last for years . He is the " bad cop " . Now i guess soon colonel Michel Goya , the " good cop " , will make his " critical analysies " !  <br /> <br /> <br /> Best Regards<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />