Армейский вестник - La gazette militaire

Publié le 5 Juillet 2013



Армейский вестник - [ lien ]


Un excellent site sur l'actualité des forces armées Russes et ses équipements . On y trouve de tout et en particulier ce que les " experts " devraient consulter : Des analyses - reprises des meilleurs sites Russes Défense & GP - de la  doctrine  des forces armées Russes . [ lien ]  

Jean , je sais que tu est un * Expert * sans les guillemets et tu vas apprécier le décorticage de la doctrine nucléaire . [ lien ] 

Le site se livre au flinguage le plus complet , et le plus argumenté , de l'achat des BPC Mistral par la Marine Russe . Cela part de l'incompatibilité des systèmes et des protocoles de communication jusqu'aux revêtements extérieurs : La zone d'intervention des BPC dans le cadre de la Marine Nationale est essentiellement la Mediterranée et les " mers chaudes " tandis que la zone d'opération des BPC de la Marine Russe sera l' Océan Arctique et les " mers froides " . La prise au vent des BPC nécessite une stabilisation de roulis pilotée informatiquement et donc la fourniture des algorithmes et des code-sources des programmes de pilotage . Ce qui est loin d'être acquis ! Un régal pour le technologue ... ,    

Rédigé par DanielB

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<br /> Bonjour,<br /> <br /> <br /> voici une analyse publiée dans Jane's - qui est La revue de réference mondiale sur la marine (accésoiremment anglo- saxonne) :<br /> <br /> <br /> *********quote<br /> <br /> <br /> The Russian government is considering taking on a foreign strategic partner to help redevelop the domestic shipbuilding industry,<br /> Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on 20 June.<br /> "We are considering all potential orders - military and civil. This is an intolerable situation, when we have to pay out huge amounts of<br /> cash from the country in order to build ships for civil orders at yards in France, Germany, Finland, Korea and so on," said Rogozin, who<br /> has responsibility for Russia's defence industry.<br /> Russia made history in 2011 by ordering its Mistral-class amphibious assault ship from French naval shipbuilding group DCNS - the first<br /> major purchase of a foreign warship in modern Russian history that was particularly significant because France is a NATO member<br /> state. Rogozin subsequently criticised the deal, which was signed off by former defence minister Anatoly Serdyukov.<br /> Rogozin said on 20 June the choice of foreign partner would be conditional on their offering technology transfer to Russia or investing in<br /> Russian shipbuilding. "Only this formula will be looked at seriously," he said.<br /> The Russian government, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), and the Naval College are undertaking analysis of supply and<br /> demand in the sector to identify potential foreign partners. A selection will be principally based on the recommendations of USC, he<br /> said, stating that "the government must listen to USC over this question."<br /> USC was created in 2007 as a holding company for Russia's scattered shipbuilding assets. It accounts for 80% of Russian naval<br /> production.<br /> Rogozin also called for a revival of Russian shipbuilding capacity in the Baltic and Black seas.<br /> "Re-establishing new shipbuilding in the Baltic and also the Black Sea - we have absolutely nothing there and it all stayed on Ukrainian<br /> territory - this is a huge state task."<br /> The shipbuilding sector has been the focus of criticism from a number of leading politicians in Russia in recent months for its poor<br /> performance, particularly in delivering vessels to the navy on time.<br /> Last month, President Vladimir Putin announced the appointment of a new head of USC, and charged him with shaking up the delivery<br /> programme for the navy's ships. USC managers have promised to carry out a thorough audit of the company's operations in a bid to cut<br /> costs.<br /> ******************<br />
<br /> <br /> Bonjour ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Merci beaucoup .<br /> <br /> <br /> Tres Cordialement<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Portal Vermelho, 4 Julho 2013: "Guiana, uma  luta que nao e divulgada" autor: Mario Augusto Jacobskind.  About new "Comite de Solidaridade" international for independence of<br /> Gyuane (Francaise). Mention of "Movimento de Descolonizcao e Emancipacao MDES. Otimo !!!<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Thank You very much !<br /> <br /> <br /> Abraços<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />