Le Pérou et le Brésil vont coopérer militairement contre une " menace extra-continentale ".

Publié le 26 Décembre 2011

Le conseil de défense extraordinaire de l'UNASUR-UNASUL qui s'est réuni à Lima le 11 novembre dernier marque bien une nouvelle étape dans les questions de défense concernant l' Amérique du Sud . Au delà de la coopération renforcée des industries nationales de défense et de la création d'un CMI Sud-Américain , principalement dans le secteur aérospatial , ce sont désormais les politiques de défense qui convergent avec l'adoption de stratégies de défense communes en vue de faire face à une menace commune clairement identifiée comme extra-régionale .


Cet article est désormais lisible sur la lettre d'Ice Station Zebra n°3  .














Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #BRICS - IBAS

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<br /> The preceding Defense Minister of Brazil, Nelson Jobim, rang the alarm bell after the NATO "future projects" conference in Portugal in late summer 2010. Subsequently he lectured quite<br /> bluntly to the german general Klaus Naumann, a former NATO strategist, during the "Forte Copacabana Conference" of the german "Fundacao Konrad Adenauer"(CDU Party) in Rio de Janeiro at the<br /> beginning of Nov. 2010: "We are not partners of the USA for its role in the world. Only Southamericans are responsible for the defense of our subcontinent, and we need a dissuasive power against<br /> threats from outside our region!" (The whole debate is in the archive of Defesanet, also in KAS chronicle). During the Defense Industry exhibition in Rio, April 2011, Jobim told the same to the<br /> defense ministers of southamerican nation, adding: "Our region will be threated over our recourses during the next 50 years." Adding: "We are those caring for the Amazon region and its people and<br /> for the benefit of the world. DO NOT COME HERE TO INTERFERE!" (Reuters stated: "Jobim did not mention an address for his warning!")  On the web site of "Fundacao Konrad Adenauer" appears now<br /> a report about the 2011 "Forte Copacabana Conference" (German-Brazilian military cooperation...) -  you might study the whole text - which may be available in Portuguese version.<br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> i have written this about the confrerence of Copacana : http://zebrastationpolaire.over-blog.com/article-les-canons-de-copacabana-nelson-jobim-ne-veut-toujours-pas-de-l-otan-dans-l-atlantique-sud-61265325.html<br /> <br /> <br /> The Copacabana fort is a " telluric " place of Brazilian history ( the revolt of the " 18 " in 1922 ) . Thank you for the links .<br /> <br /> <br /> Best regards and Feliz  Festas de Fim de Ano   !<br /> <br /> <br /> Cordialmente<br /> <br /> <br /> Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />