Publié le 24 Avril 2011
Les " forces fidéles au colonel Kadhafi " continuent apparement de " surprendre " la plupart des " analystes " et leurs " boucles OODA " et autres " munitions guidées " !
La guerre dans le désert c'est aussi :
1- Surgir du néant
2- Frapper fort
3- Disparaître dans le néant
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Loyalists to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi
killed eight rebel fighters in a rare attack earlier this week in an
opposition-held region near the Egyptian border, a medical official
and an opposition spokesman told CNN Saturday.
The regime loyalists, riding in a convoy of nine vehicles, attacked an
oil pumping station in the Libyan desert on Thursday, about 300
kilometers (186 miles) southwest of Tobruk, said Dr. Rida Benfayed, aphysician who claimed he treated a rebel fighter injured in the attack.
Tobruk is a rebel stronghold one hour west of the Egyptian border and
is the site of a key oil exporting facility where the rebels shipped
out their first consignment of oil earlier this month.
Benfayed said the gunmen opened fire on a team of nine rebel military
guards manning the pumping station. The regime loyalists set a tire on
fire to burn the remains of a senior rebel guard, the doctor said.
The only guard who survived was shot twice in the leg but managed to
escape and drive himself to Tobruk where he's in stable condition at a
Opposition spokesman Ahmed Bani confirmed the attack, which showed
the regime's capability to strike deep into rebel territory with
ambush-style attacks.
Quid de :
- La détection lors de l'approche de ce convoi de neuf véhicules ( inspiré probablement des tactiques du LRDG : Long Range Desert Groups )
- Sa destruction
On ne peut qu'être stupéfait par les capacités d'adaptation- un véritable " éléphant qui se met à danser " - des " forces fidéles au colonel Kadhafi " et remettre à leur juste place les élucubrations des ganâches de l' EM Français qui révent d'une " opération MANTA " - bis en armant les islamistes Sénoussis avec des armes anti-chars .
Note de l'Editeur : Je suis en train de rédiger le " digest " de la dernière intervention du MD Brésilien Nelson Jobim au salon LAAD 2011 ou celui-ci remet en cause le " fétichisme technologique " - Occidental - dans les conflits . Voici un cas d'espèce qui s'applique parfaitement à ses dernières reflexions !
" Learn the Bedu principles of war as thoroughly and as quickly as you can, for till you know them your advice will be no good to the Sharif. Unnumbered generations of tribal raids have taught them more about some parts of the business than we will ever know. "
Thomas Edward Lawrence