
Publié le 14 Décembre 2010

Apres avoir pris le contrôle de l'Americain Uranium One , les sociétés Russes lièes au monopole Rosatom poursuivent leur emplettes .

Alors que les analystes de la Jamestown Foundation évoquaient encore au début du mois de novembre des difficultés dans les négociations entre la Russie et la Mongolie tant en ce qui concerne les accords dans le domaine ferroviaire que dans le domaine minier et en particulier celui de l'uranium, un accord vient d'être signé entre la Russie et la Mongolie dans ces deux domaines .

Les ressources en uranium risquent d'être soumises à de fortes pressions dans les années à venir avec la multiplication des programmes de centrales en raison de la diversification de la production énergetique mais aussi la recherche de sources d'énergie non-émetrices de gazs à effet de serre .

MOSCOU, 14 décembre - RIA Novosti

La Russie et la Mongolie signeront mardi un accord prévoyant la création d'une entreprise mixte d'extraction d'uranium, a annoncé mardi le premier ministre mongol  Sukhbaatar Batbold lors d'un entretien à Moscou avec son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine.

"Nous soutenons la politique de développement des relations avec la Russie, et prenons même des décisions non standards au profit de nos relations", a indiqué le premier ministre mongol.

Selon lui, "le problème de la coopération dans le domaine de l'uranium n'a pas été facile"."Toutefois, nous avons pris une décision énergique et nous avons l'intention de signer le document sur la création d'une société mixte", a indiqué le chef du gouvernement mongol.

Le premier ministre a espéré que la Russie ferait un geste envers son pays. "Quant à la Mongolie, tant le gouvernement que les hommes d'affaires attendent des résultats concrets favorables pour le pays. Cela concerne notamment la libéralisation des échanges", affirmé le haut responsable mongol.

Il a rappelé qu'au cours des années 1990, la Mongolie exportait vers la Russie un large éventail de ses marchandises traditionnelles, ces exportations ayant pratiquement cessé actuellement en raison de taxes douanières élevées en Russie

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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 13 Décembre 2010

ROME, 13 décembre - RIA Novosti


Le premier ministre Silvio Berlusconi a démenti lundi les affirmations selon lesquelles il aurait tiré un certain avantage matériel de la coopération économique entre la Russie et l'Italie.

Ce soupçon a été formulé par des diplomates américains dans des câbles dévoilés par WikiLeaks la semaine dernière.

"Je jure sur la tête de mes enfants et de mes petits-enfants que je n'ai pas empoché un seul dollar à la suite de ces opérations de diplomatie commerciale", a-t-il déclaré aux sénateurs italiens, répondant aux critiques lancées contre lui par les représentants de l'opposition.

Le président du conseil a rappelé que l'accord portant sur la construction du gazoduc South Stream avait été conclu avec Moscou à l'époque où l'Italie était dirigée par le gouvernement de centre-gauche de Romano Prodi.

"Acheminer du gaz en contournant l'Ukraine est un facteur directement lié à la sécurité énergétique. Grâce à mon intervention et à mon amitié avec Recep Erdogan [premier ministre turc, ndlr],  le gazoduc ne passera pas par l'Ukraine, mais par les eaux turques. Et la Russie m'en est reconnaissante", a conclu le chef du gouvernement italien.

D'une capacité de 63 milliards de m3 de gaz, le gazoduc South Stream est appelé à diminuer la dépendance des fournisseurs et des consommateurs vis-à-vis des pays transitaires, en l'occurrence l'Ukraine. Une partie du pipeline passera par le fond de la mer Noire, dans les eaux territoriales turques, et reliera le littoral russe au littoral bulgare. Sa longueur sera d'environ 900 km et sa profondeur maximale, de plus de deux km. Afin de construire la partie terrestre, plusieurs itinéraires ont été étudiés. Tous passent par le territoire de pays membres de l'UE.


Articles associés :

[ 1 ] WikiLeaks : Berlusconi , Poutine et la géopolitique des corridors énergetiques .

[ 2 ] Cui Bono : "Il caso Berlusconi " aprés " Il caso Matteï " ?

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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 8 Décembre 2010

Avant d’être élue  présidente, DILMA ROUSSEFF a déclaré :   

« Le Brésil n’est plus une puissance émergente, mais une puissance émergée ! »


Nous réfléchirons à la portée de cette affirmation dans les

Dossiers de Comaguer

Sur Radio Galère 88.4 mhz

Mercredi  8 Décembre  de 20h à 21h30

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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 7 Décembre 2010

AMRZ la filiale minière du consortium d'état Rosatom va contrôler plus de 50% de la production d'uranium aux Etats-Unis aprés que les autorités Us ont autorisé AMRZ à prendre le contrôle de 51% du producteur Canadien Uranium One .

Le rachat des actions d'Uranium One - qui posséde des mines au Wyoming - a été approuvé en octobre par le Committee on Foreign Investments et le mois dernier par l'organe régulateur du nucléaire Américain .

Selon la depêche du Financial Times qui annonce cette nouvelle le prix de l'uranium à augmenté de 40 USD à 60 USD la livre cet été . [ 1 ]

La multiplication des projets de centrales nucléaires à travers le monde va provoquer selon certains analystes une raréfcation du métal nucléaire et certainement des tensions pour le congtrôle des gisements .[ 2 ]


Liens :

[ 1 ] Russia Poised to Control 50% of U.S. Uranium Output, FT Says 



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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 6 Décembre 2010

Comme je l'avais annoncé hier sur ce blogue , la reconnaissance d'un état Palestinien dans ses frontières de 1967 par la diplomatie Brésilienne n'allait pas rester sans conséquences en Amérique du Sud . [ 1 ]

Par son poids diplomatique liè à la politique pro-active du Président Lula da Silva et de son MAE Nelson Jobim ces deux dernières années , mais aussi en raison de son extansion territoriale , de sa population et de son économie , le Brésil fait bien office désormais de " métronome  "de la politique extérieure Sud- Américaine... Si on peut parler de " PolExt Sud-Américaine " .

L'Argentine par la voix de sa Présidente Cristina Kirchner vient de reconnaître un Etat Palestinien dans ses frontières de 1967 .

La présidente Argentine, Cristina Kirchner, a écrit à son homologue Palestinien, Mahmoud Abbas pour lui annoncer que son pays "reconnaît la Palestine comme un Etat libre et indépendant à l'intérieur des frontières de 1967" a annoncé, lundi 6 décembre, le chef de la diplomatie Argentine, Hector Timerman.

La campagne électorale pour les élections présidentielles qui ont vu la victoire de Mme Dilma Rousseff a été marquée  par une lutte sourde entre  M. Serra qui voulait aligner la PolExt Brésilienne , en particulier en ce qui concerne les alliances économiques et de sécurité régionales et la politique Proche-Orientale ,sur celle des Etats-Unis  et Mme Rousseff qui souhait maintenir une politique étrangère autonome et servant les intêrets du Brésil .

Il est desormais fort probable que les gouvernements " Bolivariens " de la région emboiteront le pas de ces deux " poids lourds " de la diplomatie Sud-Américaine que sont le Brésil et l'Argentine tandis que le Chili et la Colombie s'abstiendront d'une telle reconnaissance .


  Articles associés :

[ 1 ] WikiLeaks - Cablegate collateral damage : Le Brésil reconnaît l'Etat Palestinien dans ses frontières de 1967 




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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 5 Décembre 2010

Ce pourrait être un dommage collatéral des révélations du " cablegate " :L'Itamaraty - le MAE Brésilien -  vient de reconnaître un Etat Palestinien dans ses frontières de 1967 . [ 1 ]

Une décision surprenante alors que la coutume veut que durant la période de transition entre des mandats présidentiels aucune décision en matière de politique étrangère qui puisse lier une administration sortante à celle qui va lui succéder n'est prise et ou la seule gestion des " affaires courantes " entre l'équipe sortante et l'équipe en cours de constitution est de mise.

" équipe sortante " car il est peu probable que l'équipe actuelle dirigée par M. Celso Amorim soit reconduite , celui-ci ayant eu des relations tendues et même des " accrochages " avec Mme Dilma Rousseff lorsque celle-ci était Ministre de la Casa Civil du Président Lula Da Silva . [ 4 ]

Cette annonce survient dans un moment de tensions sur le Planalto entre le Ministre de la Défense M. Nelson Jobim - qui lui sera très probablement reconduit aux affaires en tant que Ministre de la Défense - et MM . Celso Amorim et Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes Ministre du SAE et grand ordonnateur de la Politique Extérieure Brésilienne ces deux dernières années .

Dans un des cablgates publiè par l'organisation WikiLeaks , M.Nelson Jobim se serait confié à l'ambassadeur Etasunien à Brasilia Clifford Sobel en 2008  et aurait déclaré que des personnes au sein de l'admnistration du  MAE - alors placé sous la responsabilité de M. Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes - essayaient de réduire son agenda en le limitant à des cérémonies de caractère protocolaires lors de sa visite à Washington en 2008 . De la même manière ces personnes voulaient avoir le mot final sur tout accord de défense conclu entre le Brésil et les Etats-Unis . [ 2 ] - télégramme  08BRASILIA129

Le télégramme  rédigé par l'ambassadeur Clifford Sobel précisait entre autre points que le MAE Brésilien était un  " repaire de l'Anti-Américanisme au sein de l'administration Lula " , faisant allusion à M. Samuel Pinheiro Guimaraes , et en citant M.Nelson Jobim . [ 2 ] -  télégramme  08BRASILIA129

L'Itamarty a aussitôt réagi aux propos de M. Nelson Jobim en précisant que " L'Itamaraty est la première ligne de défense de la souveraineté [ Brésilienne ]  " et que M. Nelson Jobim avait démenti les propos que lui prétait l'ambassadeur Sobel . [ 3 ]

Cette décision survient aussi au momemt ou des rumeurs courrent sur un possible " réexamen " du rapprochement - et non pas d'une rupture des contacts -  avec l'Iran qu'estime nécessaire Mme Dilma Rousseff en raison des " dommages subis par la diplomatie Brésilienne " consécutifs au projet avorté d'accord tripartite sur le nucléaire signé entre l'Iran , le Brésil et la Turquie . [ 4 ]

Le Ministre Celso Amorim a de son côté  défendu son bilan concernant cet accord dans son communiqué  consacré aux révélations de l'organisation WikiLeaks en précisant que " ce  pacte marquait l'avénement du monde multipolaire " . [ 2 ]

La reconnaissance - précipitée -  de l'Etat Palestinien dans ses frontières de 1967 semble donc bien refleter une volonté de l'actuelle équipe dirigée par  M. Celso Amorim , en plein accord avec le Président Lula da Silva , de " bétonner " la PolExt Brésilienne à la veille d'un changement d'admnistration et de préserver les acquis de deux dernières années de la politique pro-active de M. Lula Da Silva , en particulier au Proche-Orient ., le tout dans un contexte ou d'autres révélations - ou présentées comme telles -  sensibles pour M. Amorim et son équipe pourraient être divulguées .

Le Brésil qui est desormais la " locomotive diplomatique " de l'Amérique du Sud pourrait au travers de cette reconnaissance entrainer les autres états du continent comme il l'a fait en 1976 lorsque le gouvernement du Général Ernesto Geisel a reconnu l'OLP * et à cette aune cette décision de la diplomatie Brésilienne est un échec cinglant de la diplomatie Israélienne en Amérique Latine .


* On peut même écrire que la décision prise par l'équipe de M. Celso Amorim est la concrétisation d'un souhait exprimé par le Ministre des Affaires Etrangéres du Gal. Ernesto Geisel  , M. Antonio Azeredo da Silveira , qui en recevant le MAE Séoudien M. Omar Sakkaf en 1974 déclarait :" Nous pensons que le départ de tous les territoires arrachés par la force , et la reconnaissance des droits des Palestiniens , sont les composants fondamentaux pour une issue constructive de la question . Le refus des guerres de conquête est une des constantes de l'histoire Brésilienne " .

Lors de la VII éme session de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations- Unies , le Brésil sous l'impulsion de M. Antonio Azeredo da Silveira vote la motion qui qualifie le sionisme de " politique raciste " à l'égale de l'apartheid alors en cours en Afrique du Sud .

Lors du ministère Azredo de Silveira , M. Celso Amorim exerçait des fonctions subalternes au sein du département de planification et de prospective - assessoria de Planejamento  - de l'Itamaraty .

Il vient récemment de réaliser un éloge panégyrique de la PolExt indépendante de M. Azredo de Silveira et de son action à la tête de l'Itamaraty sous la présidence du Général Geisel : [ 5 ]

"Num momento muito difícil da história do Brasil, Silveira representa um resgate da ‘política externa independente’ que havia se firmado nos governos Jânio Quadros [1961] e João Goulart [1961-1964] e que foi abruptamente cortada quando houve o golpe militar. Não quero dizer que não tenha havido elementos importantes em outros ministros, por exemplo o próprio [Mário] Gibson Barbosa [1969-1974] fez um esboço de política africana que teve um mérito. Mas Silveira adotou uma linha política em que retomou em vários temas diretrizes que inspiraram a ‘política externa independente’, naturalmente adaptada ao momento e com as limitações do momento.



  Note de l'Editeur :

Si la reconnaissance a été effectuée au travers d'une lettre du président Lula envoyée à son homologue de l'Autorité Nationale Palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas [ voir document ci-dessous ]  , le communiqué de l'Itamaraty [ 1 ] précise que c'est le " gouvernement Brésilien " , cad en l'occurence M. Celso Amorim ,  qui effectue cette reconnaissance au travers de cette lettre !




Liens :

[ 1 ] Reconhecimento do Estado Palestino nas Fronteiras de 1967 / Recognition of the Palestinian State along the 1967 Borders  - Note n°707 de l'Itamaraty du 1er décembre 2010 .

[ 2 ] Itamaraty é tido como 'anti-EUA', diz Amorim


¶2. (C) In a private breakfast on January 17, the Ambassador told Jobim that his initial approach on a DCA to MRE Under Secretary for Political Affairs Everton Vargas had not been SIPDIS well received, and that Vargas had specifically mentioned Secretary General (Vice Minister) Samuel Guimaraes when SIPDIS asking for time to work the issue internally (ref B). Jobim responded that Guimaraes  posed a serious problem, not only on the DCA but on a variety of issues. Jobim said that Guimaraes  "hates the United States" and is actively looking to create problems in the relationship. Jobim said that he has had to beat back more than one outlandish proposal by Guimaraes  calculated to upset relations with the U.S. and other industrialized countries.

¶3. (C) Jobim said that he would like to sign the DCA when he travels to Washington in March. Guimaraes has told him that cannot happen and is working hard to prevent the DCA from being concluded. He argued that, as Jobim's predecessor went to the United States in 2007, protocol demands a return visit by the U.S. Defense Secretary. (Comment: Strictly speaking, this is not true, as the meeting between the SecDef and Jobim's predecessor was not part of an official counterpart visit. End comment.) He told Jobim that his trip would "mean nothing" compared with the symbolism of a visit by the SecDef to Brazil. Jobim said he pushed back, tellingGuimaraes  that "Itamaraty is the process," not the substance of engagement on his issues. But he told the Ambassador that he does not want to "win the battle and lose the war" and expend too much political capital on the DCA, so will have to proceed carefully. In particular, he said, ifGuimaraes  and FM Amorim join forces against a DCA, that could be a serious problem



[ 3 ] Itamaraty é primeira linha de defesa da soberania, diz Amorim

[ 4 ] Dilma deve rever a política para o Irã  

[ 5 ]   





Carta do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva:

“À Sua Excelência
Mahmoud Abbas
Presidente da Autoridade Nacional Palestina

Senhor Presidente,

Li com atenção a carta de 24 de novembro, por meio da qual Vossa Excelência solicita que o Brasil reconheça o Estado palestino nas fronteiras de 1967.

Como sabe Vossa Excelência, o Brasil tem defendido historicamente, e em particular durante meu Governo, a concretização da legítima aspiração do povo palestino a um Estado coeso, seguro, democrático e economicamente viável, coexistindo em paz com Israel.

Temos nos empenhado em favorecer as negociações de paz, buscar a estabilidade na região e aliviar a crise humanitária por que passa boa parte do povo palestino. Condenamos quaisquer atos terroristas, praticados sob qualquer pretexto.

Nos últimos anos, o Brasil intensificou suas relações diplomáticas com todos os países da região, seja pela abertura de novos postos, inclusive um Escritório de Representação em Ramalá; por uma maior freqüência de visitas de alto nível, de que é exemplo minha visita a Israel, Palestina e Jordânia em março último; ou pelo aprofundamento das relações comerciais, como mostra a série de acordos de livre comércio assinados ou em negociação.

Nos contatos bilaterais, o Governo brasileiro notou os esforços bem sucedidos da Autoridade Nacional Palestina para dinamizar a economia da Cisjordânia, prestar serviços à sua população e melhorar as condições de segurança nos Territórios Ocupados.

Por considerar que a solicitação apresentada por Vossa Excelência é justa e coerente com os princípios defendidos pelo Brasil para a Questão Palestina, o Brasil, por meio desta carta, reconhece o Estado palestino nas fronteiras de 1967.

Ao fazê-lo, quero reiterar o entendimento do Governo brasileiro de que somente o diálogo e a convivência pacífica com os vizinhos farão avançar verdadeiramente a causa palestina. Estou seguro de que este é também o pensamento de Vossa Excelência

O reconhecimento do Estado palestino é parte da convicção brasileira de que um processo negociador que resulte em dois Estados convivendo pacificamente e em segurança é o melhor caminho para a paz no Oriente Médio, objetivo que interessa a toda a humanidade. O Brasil estará sempre pronto a ajudar no que for necessário.

Desejo a Vossa Excelência e à Autoridade Nacional Palestina êxito na condução de um processo que leve à construção do Estado palestino democrático, próspero e pacífico a que todos aspiramos.

Aproveito a ocasião para reiterar a Vossa Excelência a minha mais alta estima e consideração.”







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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 4 Décembre 2010

La revue " Eurasia - Rivista de studi geopolitici " annonce la création de son comité scientifique Eurasiste .On y notera la présence de  Sergueï Babourine , du géopolitologue Français François Thual , de Frederik William Enghdal dont l'expertise en matière de géopolitique des ressources n'est plus à démonter , de Slobodan Eric directeur de la revue " Geopolitika " que j'ai eu l'honneur de rencontrer l'année dernière à Belgrade et de mon ami Yves Bataille .


Sergej Nikolaevič Baburin, rettore dell’Università Statale Russa di Economia e Commercio (Rossijskij Gosudarstvennyj Torgovo-Ekonomičeskij Universitet).

Paolo Bargiacchi, docente di Diritto internazionale (Università “Kore” di Enna).

Yves Bataille, esperto conoscitore della Serbia, consigliere del movimento serbo SEDEP, co-autore de La lotta per il Kosovo (Edizioni all’Insegna del Veltro, Parma 2007)

Antonello Folco Biagini, prorettore per la Cooperazione e i Rapporti Internazionali, professore ordinario di Storia dell’Europa Orientale (Università degli Studi “La Sapienza” di Roma).

Alberto Buela, membro del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Suramericanos (Buenos Aires).

Alfredo Canavero, docente di Storia contemporanea, direttore del Centro per gli Studi di Politica Estera e Opinione Pubblica (Università Statale di Milano), segretario della Commissione di Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali (Congresso Mondiale di Scienze Storiche).

Côme Carpentier de Gourdon, direttore aggiunto della rivista “World Affairs” (India), direttore e fondatore del Euro-Asia Institute (Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi), co-fondatore dell’accademia Telesis (Svizzera), consigliere della fondazione Kapur Surya (India).

Frederik William Engdahl, presidente della Engdahl Strategic Risk Consulting.

Slobodan Erić, direttore della rivista “Geopolitika” (Serbia).

Vagif Aliovsatovič Gusejnov, maggiore generale in congedo, direttore del Institut Strategičeskich Ocenok i Analiza (Istituto di Analisi e Studi Strategici, Mosca), direttore della rivista “Vestnik Analitiki”, membro del Consiglio di Difesa e Politica Estera della Federazione Russa.

Philip Kelly, docente di Scienze politiche (Emporia State University, Kansas, USA).

Jurij Vasil’evič Krupnov, presidente del Consiglio di Sorveglianza dell’Istituto di Demografia, Migrazioni e Sviluppo Regionale di Mosca.

Vladimir Il’ič Maksimenko, direttore generale del Fond Strategičeskoj Kul’tury(Fondazione di Cultura Strategica, Mosca), ricercatore anziano del Institut Vostokovedenija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Istituto d’Orientalistica dell’Accademia Russa delle Scienze).

Fabio Mini, generale di corpo d’armata in ausiliaria dell’Esercito Italiano; è stato capo di Stato Maggiore dell’AFSOUTH (NATO) e comandante della KFOR.

Luiz Alberto da Vianna Moniz Bandeira, professore di Politica estera del Brasile (Universidade de Brasilia), ha tenuto lezioni in numerose università di tutto il mondo. Nel 2005 è stato nominato intellettuale brasiliano dell’anno dall’União Brasileira do Escritores. È console onorario a Heidelberg, decorato con la Bundesverdienst Kreuzdalla Repubblica Federale di Germania.

Dragan Mraovic, ex console della Repubblica Federale Jugoslavia in Italia, docente universitario in pensione (Università degli Studi di Bari), cavaliere d’oro della Federazione Russa.

Carlos Pereyra Mele, membro del Centro de Estudios Estratégicos Suramericanos(Buenos Aires).

Geminello Preterossi, docente di Diritti dell’uomo e Filosofia del diritto (Università degli Studi di Salerno).

Bernardo Quagliotti de Bellis, docente presso l’Academia de Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, direttore della rivista “Geosur” (Uruguay), segretario generale dell’Asociación Sudamericana de Estudios Geopoliticos e Internacionales, presidente della Academia Urugaya de Geopolitica e Estrategia.

Sergio Romano, ex diplomatico (ambasciatore della Repubblica Italiana presso la NATO e l’URSS), storico (ha insegnato presso le università di Harvard, Berkeley, Firenze, Sassari, Pavia e “Bocconi” di Milano), giornalista (“Corriere della Sera” e “Panorama”).

Vasile Simileanu, direttore di “GeoPolitica” (Romania), vice-presidente dell’Associazione Geopolitica di Romania “Ion Conea”.

Ernest Š. Sultanov, economista e islamologo, consulente della Duma della Federazione Russa

François Thual, consigliere per gli Affari strategici della Presidenza del Senato della Repubblica francese, professore al Collège Interarmées de Défense (ex Ecole de Guerre).

Igor Remualdovič Tomberg, direttore del Centro per gli Studi Energetici dell’Istituto di Studi Orientali, Accademia russa delle Scienze.

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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 1 Décembre 2010

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 1 Décembre 2010

Si la catastrophe de la plateforme Deepwater Horizon remet en cause les projets dans l'off-shore profond dans le Golfe du Mexique , un peu partout dans le monde - Mediterranée , Golfe de Guinée - les projets se poursuivent en en particulier au Brésil qui est desormais le leader mondial de l'exploration et de l'exploitation des gisements en eaux profondes .[ gisements par plus de 300 m de profondeur marine ]   [ voir infographie ]

Ces cinq dernières années la production mondiale de l' off-shore a doublé pour atteindre cinq millions de barils par jour soit près de 6% de la production mondiale .

Cette production devrait encore doubler d'ici 2020 .

Le Brésil possède les champs pétrolifières en eaux profondes qui ont connu le développement le plus important ces dix dernières années et la production actuelle de 1.4 Mio de barils par jour devrait atteindre 3.5 Mio barils quotidiens en 2020 .


Source : Geopolitica Brasil .





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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique


Publié le 30 Novembre 2010

Beaucoup de journaux ont titré " Le Monde selon Jean David Levitte " pour évoquer le document publiè par Wikileaks concernant la rencontre entre Jean David Levitte et  et le sous-secrétaire d'Etat américain Philip Gordon .

Je prèfère de loin le terme Weltanschauung qui rend beaucoup mieux la nature de la pensée Lévitienne .

Il s'agit bien en effet au delà d'apprécations générales sur tel ou tel chef politique étranger d'une " conception du monde " , un paradigme qui a sa cohérence , et de la nature des relations internationales qui en découlent .

Or , il se peut que cette personne prenne la direction du Conseil de défense et de sécurité nationale et ce document prend ici toute sa valeur pour savoir ce qui se passera  dans la tête du chef pilote de notre sécurité . On pourrait nommer ce document :" Voyage dans le cerveau de Jean David Levitte " .


S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 04 PARIS 001254


E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/16/2018

Classified By: Ambassador Charles Rivkin, for reasons 1.4(b) and (d).

¶1.  (S) Summary.  During Assistant Secretary Gordon's visit
to Paris on September 11, he met with a number of French
policy-makers including: Elysee Diplomatic Advisors
Jean-David Levitte, Damien Loras, and Francois Richier,
Assistant Secretary equivalent for Continental Europe Roland
Galharague, and Acting Director of MFA Strategic Affairs
bureau Jean-Hugues Simon-Michel.  Discussions focused on
Russia, upcoming developments in the Balkans (Bosnia,
Croatia, Macedonia and Kosovo), elections in Germany and
Afghanistan, Turkey's EU Accession, NATO Enlargement and
Strategic Concept, and Georgia and Ukraine.  End Summary.

¶2.  (C) Jean-David Levitte noted that while public opinion in
France is opposed to the war in Afghanistan, the situation
here is much calmer than in the UK, Germany, or Italy.
Angela Merkel's domestic political situation after the
incident in Kunduz was particularly fragile, so that was part
of the rationale behind the recent German-French-UK letter to
UN SYG Ban Ki Moon to propose an international conference on
Afghanistan by the end of the year.  Levitte said that the
goal of the conference would be to accelerate and improve the
training of Afghan troops and police and to strengthen Afghan
state institutions, which will help reinforce the importance
of the international effort to skeptical publics.  They are
now waiting for Ban Ki Moon's response.  Levitte emphasized
that France remains "totally engaged" in Afghanistan with no
limits or caveats on its troops.  This autumn, France will
complete a transfer of troops from Kabul to Kapisa and Surobi
provinces (a presence that will be reinforced on the ground
as France reassigns some sailors to other regional activities
and replaces them with ground troops).  A/S Gordon assured
Levitte that the U.S. would soon be able to share the
elements of the McChrystal military review with Allies.
Levitte responded by praising General McChrystal and saying
that French forces have an excellent dialogue with him on the
ground.  He added that Germany and the UK are determined to
stay in Afghanistan as needed, but we may need to convince
the Netherlands to remain, and that President Sarkozy had
recently reinforced this message in a meeting with Dutch PM


¶3.  (C) Levitte noted that of the five major conditions
required to transfer authority in Bosnia from the UN High
Representative to an EU High Representative, four have been
fulfilled, and only the question of division of state
property remains.  This final condition should not alone
"block all progress," especially as the current UN team in
Bosnia is no longer effective.  France wants to see the
transfer of authority to a new EU team in November, as the
rapprochement to Europe is an effective "carrot" to encourage
the Bosniaks to continue progress in necessary reforms.  A/S
Gordon agreed that the current system is not working well,
but noted that the international community will lose
credibility if we move forward before all the necessary
pre-conditions have been fulfilled.  He added that the U.S.
agrees that some form of carrot is necessary to urge Bosnian
compliance.  Levitte noted that they still have two months to
urge Bosnian progress before a final decision is made.  In a
separate meeting, Assistant Secretary equivalent for
Continental Europe Roland Galharague said that "transition is
the number one objective," suggested the division of state
property will take much time to resolve, and urged the U.S.
to support early transfer of authority that would open the
door to Bosnian aspirations for greater integration into EU
institutions.  He noted that the growing perception of
divisions between the US and Bosniaks on one side who favored
retaining the UN role and the EU and Serbs on the other
created unhelpful opportunities for manipulation.  A/S Gordon
said this perception was inaccurate, but noted the U.S. is
sensitive to the political need for Bosniak leaders to sell
this decision to their publics.  The USG needs to see a clear
path ahead for transition in order to support it.


¶4.  (C) Levitte noted that the EULEX mission is having
diplomatic problems with the Kosovar government and public

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after signing two technical protocols with Serbia.  They are
hoping to ensure continued calm as Kosovo heads into
municipal elections.  A/S Gordon stated that the Kosovars
will have to accept the protocols but that it should be
clearly explained that these are technical agreements that
have no impact on Kosovo's independent status.  Levitte also
criticized Serbian FM Jeremic, saying that he is doing
nothing to encourage Serb return or participation in Kosovo's
government.  Levitte noted that Jeremic "makes big promises"
every time he comes to France, but doesn't follow through.
Levitte no longer meets with him and does not consider him to
be the "modern face of Belgrade" that he purports to be.


¶5.  (C) Levitte expressed optimism that a new Greek
government would be "more solid" and allow greater
flexibility for progress in the Greek-Macedonian name
dispute.  A/S Gordon agreed that either a more solid
Conservative government or a Socialist government would be a
stronger, more flexible partner in the negotiations.  He
expressed hope that if the international community could
convince Macedonia to abandon the idea of a referendum and
get Greece to abandon the necessity of changing passports,
then progress could be made.  On Croatia, Levitte observed
that the border issue with Slovenia is making progress.  He
hoped that the upcoming September elections in Germany would
also allow the new German government to be more open to EU
enlargement to include the Balkan countries.  Paris wants the
door to enlargement to remain open, even if the accession
process takes time.


¶6.  (C) Levitte informed A/S Gordon that there had been no
change in the French position advocating a "privileged
partnership" between the European Union and Turkey, in lieu
of EU membership.  However, he emphasized that France was not
preventing accession negotiations from progressing on all the
EU chapters that do not pre-suppose membership.  There remain
plenty of chapters of the acquis to open, so if progress is
not being made, the fault lies with Turkish intransigence on
Cyprus.  Unfortunately, Ankara is not completing the required
necessary reforms and progress has stalled.  Levitte
anticipated a negative report this fall on Turkey's failure
to fulfill the Ankara Protocol.  A/S Gordon said that Turkey
was caught in a vicious cycle and it is not completing
necessary reforms because the Turks do not believe that their
EU candidacy will be allowed to progress, and at the same
time, their negotiations are not progressing because they
aren't completing the required reforms.  He noted that in the
latest German Marshall Fund polls in Turkey, fewer that 30%
of the Turkish public believes they will succeed in getting
EU membership.

¶7.  (C) Levitte agreed, but noted that Paris hopes that it
will be the Turks themselves who realize that their role is
best played as a bridge between the two worlds of Europe and
Asia, rather than anchored in Europe itself.  He stated that
Turkey is in a difficult position as it wants to enter the EU
but has refused to accept one of the other EU member states.
Levitte predicted that a worse case scenario would be if
Turkey finally manages to complete the acquis and end
negotiations and a public referendum is held in France which
is finally opposed to their membership.  Despite all of these
problems, Levitte claimed that President Sarkozy is a friend
of Turkey and has visited the country at least 10 times in
his life.


¶8.  (C)  A/S Gordon described the challenges and frustrations
of the U.S.- Russia relationship, which is based on finding
areas where we can work together on our common interest.  He
noted progress at the July summit meeting on such issues as
START talks and transfer of lethal material through Russia to
Afghanistan.  Galharague described Russia as a state with the
trappings of democracy but without any mechanisms for the
public to influence government decision-making.  "The root of
the problem is the regime," he said.  Presidential advisor
Loras added Russian leaders lacked sufficient, long-range
vision for their country and instead, focused on a six-month
time horizon and their business interests.  Galharague

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described the French strategy as finding a balance between
treating Russia as if it is too important or treating it like
an enemy. The French observed that some in Russia have
concluded their interests are served by keeping the west
"tied down in an Afghanistan quagmire" and by sustaining the
status quo in Iran.  He elaborated that a solution that
thwarts Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions and restores Iran as
a normal member of the international community could
undermine Russian regional and energy interests.  Loras noted
of late the Russians have been unhelpful on Iran.   Moreover,
they appear to have concluded they can pocket a projected
U.S. decision to scale back or abandon the Bush
administration's Missile Defense initiative without paying
any cost.

¶9.  (C) Looking ahead on the energy front, Loras predicted
that substantial Russian under-investment in energy
extraction infrastructure was such that Russia would not be
able to meet European demand in four or five years.  He
observed this created an opportunity for Russia to have even
more leverage over a Europe that has not prepared to
diversify its energy supplies. In response to a question on
Russia's decision to suspend negotiations on World Trade
Organization membership in favor of a customs union with
Kazakhstan and Belarus,  A/S Gordon replied the U.S. would
continue a policy review on Missile Defense to take the right
decision based on the merits.   On Russian actions regarding
the WTO, he said that Moscow's decision was likely supported
by Russians whose interests were not advanced by opening
markets.  Galharague observed that failure to advance WTO
membership for Russia had negative implications for
EU-Russian trade relations as progress in this EU effort
pre-supposed progress on Russian accession to the WTO. Loras
reported the coming year will involve substantial
Franco-Russian interactions.  This engagement would include a
visit by French Prime Minister Fillon to Russia in September,
a visit to France by Putin in November, a state visit to
France by Medvedev in March, and a Sarkozy visit to Russia in
2010 on the margins of the St. Petersburg forum.  These
visits would occur under the auspices of reciprocal "Year of
France" events in Russia and "Year of Russia" events in

¶10.  (C) Levitte and A/S Gordon discussed the "dangerous"
precedent of ships being intercepted in Georgian waters.
Sarkozy Advisor Damien Loras noted that President Saakashvili
has a French advisor who has informed Paris that Georgian
ships have orders to respond if fired upon.  This can
escalate and the French message has been to emphasize that
Georgia must not respond to provocation, as that would only
play into Russia's hands.  Levitte stressed the importance of
maintaining the Geneva process, while noting that it may take
a generation before the Russian public will be able to accept
their loss of influence, from Poland and the Baltics to
Ukraine and Georgia.  Unfortunately, the Russian tendency is
to view "good neighbors" as totally submissive subordinates.
On the other hand, Paris is closely watching Medvedev, who is
more frequently taking public stances in opposition to Putin.
 Medvedev is more open to the occidental powers and more open
to modernization and rule of law issues that Russia must
face.  A/S Gordon observed that President Obama had spent a
good deal of time with Medvedev on his trip to Russia, and
had specifically targeted Russian youth in his public
outreach event.  In his meeting with Galharague and others,
A/S Gordon noted that the U.S. pursues a policy to support
Georgia in the face of Russian pressure without encouraging
President Saakashvili to act in ways that are unhelpful.


¶11.  (S/NF)  Levitte noted that the Iranian response to the
overture of President Obama and the West was "a farce,"
although Russia had received it as a real initiative.  The
current Iranian regime is effectively a fascist state and the
time has come to decide on next steps.  Levitte stated that
this is why Paris is advocating a meeting of the EU3 PLUS 3
on the margins of the Pittsburgh G20 meeting.  The French
hope to approve a two-paragraph statement laying out next
steps on negotiations or sanctions.  He noted that German
Chancellor Angela Merkel shares the view of the French
President and is willing to be firm on sanctions, but that FM
Steinmeier was more cautious.  The Iranian regime must
understand that it will be more threatened by economic harm
and the attendant social unrest than it would be by
negotiating with the West.  Unfortunately, the P-3 cannot
remain passive until Russia and China finally lose patience;

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this is why a high-level political meeting is important to
advance this discussion (and Levitte cited President
Sarkozy's frank and direct style, saying that he would
pinpoint Medvedev to explain his position).  Levitte said
that he informed the Chinese FM that if they delay until a
possible Israeli raid, then the world will have to deal with
a catastrophic energy crisis as well.  At the same time, the
debate over stopping the flow of gasoline into Iran will be
very sensitive and would have to take into account which
countries would be only too willing to step in and replace
European companies.  Levitte informed us that they would like
President Sarkozy to talk to President Obama by telephone in
the coming days to discuss the G20 and Iran.  The French are
proposing two possible windows to schedule the call.


¶12.  (C) Levitte said that France was very pleased with the
selection of Madeleine Albright to chair the "Group of 12,"
which will launch the process of reviewing NATO's Strategic
Concept.  Bruno Racine will be the French participant on the
panel, and Levitte stressed that there is already strong
agreement between France and the United States on the basis
of exchanges that he has had with NSA General Jim Jones.
Levitte noted that Paris agreed with Jones on suppressing the
Membership Action Plan (MAP), which had become an obstacle
rather than an incentive.  A/S Gordon responded that we must
not change the process in a way that would be interpreted as
suggesting an end to NATO enlargement and eliminating MAP
might do that.  Levitte agreed and added that French
President Sarkozy was "convinced" that Ukraine would one day
be a member of NATO, but that there was no point in rushing
the process and antagonizing Russia, particularly if the
Ukrainian public was largely against membership.  The
Bucharest summit declaration was very clear that NATO has an
open door and Ukraine and Georgia have a vocation in NATO
(even if Georgia remains very unstable at the moment).
Levitte added that Paris was very pleased with the ceremony
on September 9 transferring the Allied Command Transformation
(ACT) to French General Stephane Abrial.


¶13.  (C) Levitte observed that Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez is "crazy" and said that even Brazil wasn't able to
support him anymore.  Unfortunately, Chavez is taking one of
the richest countries in Latin America and turning it into
another Zimbabwe.

¶14.  (U) Assistant Secretary Gordon has cleared this message.









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Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Geopolitique
