Syrie : L'Armée Arabe Syrienne traque les r[censuré] islamistes dans les souterrains d'Alep .

Publié le 1 Juillet 2013

Les guerres modernes ont une " troisième dimension " : Le sous-sol . Tout comme lors de la première guerre mondiale , lors de la guerre du Vietnam ou à Gaza les souterrains constituent à la fois des centres de commandement , des voies de ravitaillement ainsi que des axes de progression . [ lien ]  A Alep il s'agit parfois de souterrains et de caves datant de l'époque médiévale que le Génie de l'Armée Arabe Syrienne doit déterrer [ lien ] [ lien ] . On pourrait parler , je risque le terme , d'archéologie tactique . Des souterrains identiques sont découverts à Homs au fur et à mesure de la progression de l' AAS . Le reportage est de l'agence ANNA - Abkhazian Network News Agency .[ lien ]      
 Note de l'Editeur : J'invite avec plaisir M. " Ignace Leverrier " - Wladimir Glasman - à commenter cet article bien qu'il me censure systématiquement sur son blogue .      

Rédigé par DanielB

Publié dans #Guerre de l'information

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<br /> nice read google<br />
<br /> This is a very nice article with a wonderful concept.<br /> <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> <br /> google<br />
<br /> This is a very nice article with a wonderful<br /> concept.<br />
<br /> Dieu merci (et surtout monsieur Besson merci) pour ces bonnes nouvelles ; voir  l'armée syrienne dératiser les égouts d'Alep... je préfère ça au caviar.<br />
<br /> Intersting also to think what Putin (as an ex spy) and his security apparatus sincerly thinks about Snowden - probably, they want to use him as a coup against the USA and show themselves as the<br /> "good guys" keen to protect poor victims of the USA. But on the same time, I suppose they particularly despise the kind of treason he is suspected of.<br />
<br /> Putin may use Snowden for U.S . cooperation on Syria. Obviously the Russians got everthing that Snowden got - and in exchange for shutting up - in the end he may stay quietly somewhere<br /> in Russia - but as "discrete advisor". This gives cover to Obama to push in Washington for the Syria Conference. Everybody is happy: The Russians force the U.S. to cooperate on the conference,<br /> Snowden can stay and just feed everything quietly to the Russians, and the European will remain paranoid about the USA wondering what else remains "unpublished" ! ---Brazil: As Fregapani writes<br /> in his last commentary: Marina da Silva would hand over all of Brazil and Aecio Neves would hand it over to the USA. It looks like the conservative nationalists and the democratic nationalist<br /> left in Brazil will get behind Dilma Rousseff - who has very adroitly RECOMMENDED a referendum on  "to be decided by th Congress" confined to political reform and election financing.<br /> But the U.S. and NATO through their hundreds of NGOs will continue their operations . together with Brazil's "entreguistas" ("atores do Globo", "jornalistas do Estadao', and<br /> CIMI ) to destabilize the "independent" government: They want Brazil as a protectorate of the U.S. like Mexico, Honduras, Panama. The economic situation in Brazil may however become a problem for<br /> the re-election of Dilma Rousseff. The example of a Brazilian nationalists of the Left: The Communist Minister for Sport and Olympics - Aldo Rebelo - is soldiering on as general director of the<br /> entire Soccer and Olympic infrastructure projects: He says virtually all the infrastructure improvements had been seen as necessary in the future regardless of the events and represent a lasting<br /> investment in modernization. Aldo Rebelo is the favorite Communist of the Conservative nationalists - Frepagani and Lerrer-Rosenfield have defended and praised him publicly. If the conservative<br /> nationalists (military) and the democratic left of the coalition (PT,PCdoB, BDT, BSP) and the center PMDB cooperate - Dilma Rousseff has a chance to for re-election 2014: The bolsa beneficiaries<br /> and the unions will remain with her. <br />
<br /> <br /> Hello Jan ,<br /> <br /> <br /> Thank you for your analysis . I think also that Snowden is more useful for the Russians " talking " outside Russia raher than silencing in Russia  ;0) He's like an unguided bomb which<br /> can explode anywhere at any time . Even if Europens will bend in front of the Us as they did in 2001 , he's making considerable dammages in the public opinion !  Abraços Daniel BESSON<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Syrie :Rif de Damas/Barzé: des tunnels pour s'infiltrer les bases militaires<br /> <br /> <br /> mardi, 02 juillet 2013 17:04<br /> <br /> <br /> IRIB-les forces de l'armée syrienne ont découvert dans la localité de Barzé des tunnels de transit d'armes et de munition.<br /> <br /> <br /> Trois tunnels dont l'un s'orientant directement vers les centres militaires syriens ont été ainis localisés. à Barzé, les unités d'infantrie de l'armée<br /> ont avancé vers la mosquée Al Salam ; de violents combats se poursuivent dans cette région.<br /> <br /> <br />