Prêt Russe à l'Islande : Vox Populi , vox Dei !

Publié le 19 Octobre 2008

Alors que certains comme l' " expert en relations internationales " Eirikur Bergmann ont desormais honte que leur pays se tourne vers la Russie pour emprunter

" Iceland's self-image is tied to western Europe: we like to think of ourselves as the small Atlantic state that links Europe and the US. So it is a major psychological U-turn for most Icelanders to suddenly turn to the east for help – all the way to Moscow, of all places! "

 , les " gens de la rue " ( " most icelanders " )  interviouvés par la chaîne Russe " Russia Today" affichent leur contentement et approuvent cette démarche :

Qui dit la vérité ?

Quoiqu'il en soit l'attitude peu amicale de la Grande Bretagne vis à vis de l'Islande ne sera pas sans conséquences :

" Britain's £100m loan to Landsbanki is pure self-interest. Mark my words, Icelanders will not soon forget or forgive recent threats"

Ensuite ça tourne carrément à la scène de mènage dans un vieux couple avec des vieux griefs datant des premiers flirts qui ressortent :

"When the Republic of Iceland ran into the greatest troubles in its young life (it gained independence in 1944) and asked for help, none of our so-called friends stood up. The people of Iceland are paralysed by the lack of help and the destructive attack by the British PM. Iceland is an active participant in European cooperation and a founding member of Nato, but in the end, it seems Russia is Iceland's only friend. Brown's insult to Iceland will be remembered long after this £100m debt has been repaid."

Rédigé par P@lp@tine

Publié dans #Geopolitique

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